Mental Illness Caused by the Loss of Connection to Spirit
The Spirit is the life force within and it is the power that usually leads and guides us to a better, healthier life. For some, however, it is overridden by the noise of the world and the adverse behaviour that disconnects it. Once the link is broken the evil forces of modern life become too much and the mind breaks down under the strain. Those who stay connected and who build their link with strength and loyalty to it communicate with God on a new level.
The way the link is strengthened is the object of the trials and tribulations people are put through in their lives. But everyone has lived before who is alive today. They have returned via reincarnation as is my experience. At an age shown to me between lives the Spirit commissioned me to pull down the wall that separates the real God from its people.
That barrier to truth is full of mystery, magic, false gods, and terror. It is based on the myths of heaven and hell and the religion of Babylon, the home of Islam. It was built by the first beast of Revelation 13 and strengthened by the second beast, Constantine, who established the Catholic Church in 325 AD based on the same principles. He reinstated Mary in it as the Mother of God.
He was an Amorite and Babylon was the first capital city of the Amors. They were the Islamists of their day who raided, captured, enslaved, and grew a huge empire in the Mesopotamia region. They are better known as the Persians.
They expanded their activities into the Mediterranean where they built their final Capital, Roma. That name reversed is 'Amor' or 'o-m-or' and it means 'circle of mother sun'. The stylised image of her is 'Mary' and the second Capital city of the Amors was called by that name before it was destroyed by earthquake some 3,000 years ago.
It is the religions born of her that have broken the link between God and its people. They are the temples of deceit and misery and they threaten hell and eternal damnation to anyone who does not abide by their demands. This causes depression and anxiety in those who cannot find their way out of the fog.
The test for God's people is to ignore the false gods and to remain strong through their connection to it. It is no man and it never died on a cross or in any way. The lies of Easter were born in Babylon where men thought they could 'marry' Mary by dying on crosses at dawn and rising up to become stars in heaven. The pressure caused by the lies put up by religious institutions is at the heart of mental illness in many
My reincarnation experience was the start of a huge learning curve to understand the origin of religion and its impact on the world. The Mountain of knowledge on the Internet is shining new light into the world of darkness caused by such institutions.
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Mental Illness Caused by the Loss of Connection to Spirit
Reviewed by Ahmed hosny
1:39 PM
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